Evolutionary Signatures of Intrinsically Disordered Regions

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Brief Introduction

Evolutionary signatures describe the extent to which molecular features of intrinsically disordered regions deviate from our null expectation in their evolution. If a molecular feature deviates in its evolution from our null expectation, we predict it is under selection, and thus may be important for the function of the IDR in question.

Evolutionary signatures can be used as a tool to generate hypotheses about molecular features that could be important for the function of individual IDRs. They can also be used to compare different IDRs and formulate hypotheses about their shared functions.

Input a protein or IDR name to see its evolutionary signature(s).

Paper Citation

Zarin, T., Strome, B., Ba, A. N. N., Alberti, S., Forman-Kay, J. D., & Moses, A. M. (2019). Proteome-wide signatures of function in highly diverged intrinsically disordered regions. eLife 2019;8:e46883. doi: 10.1101/578716